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13 February 2020 - The health and safety of the students and the school community is our prime concern.

Dear Parents /Guardians

The coronavirus situation is still with us and I thank everyone for the calm and sensible manner in which you and your children have handled themselves. The health and safety of our students and the school community is our prime concern.

A reminder that we are taking these steps:
- Asking parents and students who have been to China (Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau) recently, or have had close contact with others who have been in these places to stay away from school for 14 days. To come back only when they show no symptoms of illness.
- We are monitoring the temperatures of students as they come into school. We are sending students home who have a high temperature (37.5C or higher)
- We are not accepting walk-in visitors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Macau.
- We are asking all visitors to declare their recent travel arrangements and we are also taking their temperatures.
- Disinfecting and cleaning classrooms daily
- Reminding students about regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitisers

We all need to work together as a community to keep this virus away from the school. Please talk to your children about hygiene. All the experts say that simple things like frequently washing hands properly with soap has a big impact on reducing the spread of illness. As does not touching your face frequently - this I admit is much more difficult to do.
Of course the important thing is for EVERYONE to have integrity, and to keep children at home if they start to show any symptoms of illness, OR if you have travelled to affected places. This will help stop the spread of germs through our community.

Thank you for your understanding. As a large community we are taking this situation very seriously as it could affect everyone on the campus, students, teachers and support staff, but at the same time we don’t want to spread panic. We ask that you join us in this and NOT spread false information or jump to conclusions.

Yours sincerely

Peter Wells


• 我校要求最近到过中国、香港,台湾、澳门或与其他来自以上病毒热点的父母和学生或接触以上热点的旅客的父母和学生自行隔离14天,并且在康复或没有其它症状时才回来上课。
• 我校时时检查学生的体温,并将发烧的同学(体温超过37.5度)送回家。
• 我校不接受来自中国,香港,台湾或澳门的访客。
• 我校要求所有的访客告知他们的旅游行程,也会测量他们的体温。
• 教室全面进行消毒和清理。
• 提醒学生们多洗手或使用免洗抑菌洗手液。

我们每个人将携手为整个社区一起抵抗病毒做任何的努力,以让学校远离病毒。促请您与孩子谈谈简单的个人卫生。比如所有的专家们的建议,那就是最简单的事情:洗手。例如正确使用肥皂洗手,洗手能够避免患上多种常见的疾病。虽然有点难以避免 ,尤其是我们经常不经意地触摸自己的脸。




Peter Wells 启

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